Category Archives: General

Download data from

intuit_mint_logo_detailI’ve been using for managing my finances since 2009.  It’s a terrific website for budgeting and visualizing how you spent your money.  I recently joined Tableau Software and wanted to employ the power of Tableau against my data.  The first step to doing this is to download my data into a file that Tableau can connect to.  This turns out to be pretty straight-forward thanks to work done by Mike Rooney. He built a Python module called mintapi to pull data from your account using screen scraping.

If you’ve never used Python before, there are a few extra steps to get it working.  Below are the steps for doing this on a Mac running Mac OS X 10.10 (Yosemite).

1. Install Homebrew.

Homebrew is a package manager for installing commonly-used software modules on Mac OS X.

ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL"

2. Install the Homebrew-version of Python.

brew install python

Follow instructions in brew output.  Typically this will include statements like this:

pip install --upgrade pip setuptools
brew linkapps python

3. Install mintapi and requirements.

pip install mintapi
pip install pandas

4. Download transactions from

Now you’re ready to download your data.


where MINT-EMAIL-ADDRESS is the email address you use to log in to mint (e.g., and FILENAME is the name of the file to save the data.  The filename should end in .csv (e.g. mint.csv) to use with Tableau, although you can also specify a .json extension to get the data in JSON format.

To get help on the mintapi command, you can type the following command:

mintapi --help

That’s it.  Super simple.